G Suite provide facility to work any where and be productive.In present time G Suite is the best media for your business which offers you the facility of any where work.

How G Suite give access any where?

  • In traditional organisation there will be local server which will be available only at work place.
    G Suite breaks this constraint of limiting access of files at work place and provides the ability to be productive by accessing your files from anywhere.
  • In traditional organization, important files or documents are either on local server or are available as hardcopy.
    If some files need to be sent immediately and you are not at your work place, at that time problem occurs. G Suite helps you solve this problem. Your files are stored in Google Drive, so if you need to send any file you can send it in few seconds. You need not to run to your work place to get the file.
  • If you want to restirct of anywhere use of G Suite for your employees, You can do so by some paid applications available for this purpose. For example application like Setup Single Sign On can be used to prohibit your access of employees from anywhere use.